Discover The fastest way to attract ready-to-buy clients at Premium prices

even if you have no prior experience using these strategies.

It's Time to Claim the Life You Want And The Legacy Of Your Dreams - No Matter What's Going On In The Economy And World Around You

YES, I'm Ready!


confidently attract and impress clients who engage in value, premium, luxury and high-luxury offers.
use secret principles and strategies that turn even lesser known brands into high-profit and high-leverage enterprises
Focus on fewer leverage activities that have exponential results so you make more money effortlessly
Save yourself 80% of your marketing costs that are wasted when you attract & engage the wrong clients.

As a GOLD member, you get unlimited access to tools, resources and feedback when you get stuck, as well as exclusive masterclasses from Joe Mutuku uploaded weekly.

YES, I'm Ready to Become A High-Profit and High-Leverage Business
Then $297 per month  (Cancel Anytime)

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Our School of Leverage™ Students Are Getting Paid

YES, I'm Ready to Start Getting Paid More
without Selling More of My Time

What You Are Going To Get When You Join Today!

SCHOOL OF LEVERAGE™ Gold ($97 Value)
Pricing Strategies of Value, Premium, Luxury & High Luxury brands. ($1497 Value)
The Psychology of Offers ($1497 Value)
The Leverage Secrets Course ($2,497 Value)
Ultimate Leverage Secrets Library
($497 Value)

Total Value:$5,998

Yours Today FREE!

YES, I'm Ready to get $5,988 of FREE value Today!

Dear Service Business Owner,
I'm going to share a chance for you -
Right here on this page...
To get some of my most useful and hard-won knowledge.
Over $5,998 worth to be exact.
For. Free.
Why am I giving it away?
One very important reason.
My mission is the same as yours.
I am called. Just like you.
I'm called to make a positive difference in people’s lives with my gifts. That’s why I'm sharing my expertise with you here today.
That’s why I'm giving you $5,998+ worth of expertise for only $0 today.
When I say hard-won, I mean that I spent years studying, trying, failing, studying some more, trying some more, and uncovering some of the best-kept secrets around!
I spent years learning and perfecting all the valuable information that I'm GIFTING to you today...

Let me ask you a question…

When you hear or see another brand crushing it and thriving with people running to happily engage and pay them more money, do you feel it in your soul that you have the ability to do it too? Does it make you feel like you want to GO ALL IN even though you may not be entirely sure what you’re going all-in on yet? That’s your calling. It’s telling you that you’re destined for something greater and it’s your job to show up. I know because the very same thing happened to me. Let me tell you about it…
It all happened when I met my first business coach in 2017 who showed me things that I never imagined were possible. He showed me a way of thinking that completely transformed me and how I view my brand and business.
My whole being was caught up in an almost indescribable feeling.
I was beginning to sense something powerful happening within me. A sense of clarity. A sense of calling. I’d heard one before so I was pretty familiar.
It was a mission. It was an opportunity. And it was mine.
I could make a difference. I could be a force of good - and I could make a good living doing it. I could enjoy living a life of purpose AND profit and help others to do the same.
I could transform lives - starting with my own - and I could change the world.  
One person at a time.
One family at a time.
One opportunity at a time.
That’s my calling.
I’m betting that if you’re still reading, it’s your calling too.
After implementing his way of thinking, I made the most money on a client than I had made in my life. The crazy part about it is that I did not actively find or pitch the client. The client found me through a strategy that I will share with you and was ready to engage. That same year, our business hit a million in revenue and that changed our business forever.
I want to show you this way of thinking so that you can transform your brand and take it to the next level.
I'm going to share with you all the secrets I've learned AND I'm going to keep sharing what I've learned in our incredible training - the ONLY path to becoming a true Elite High-Value Brand!
My Framework is a repeatable revenue and transformation amplifier.
It's just one of the gifts that are yours now when you join School of Leverage™ today, and you can use it over and over again to touch clients, and transform their lives and yours.
Imagine a world where you can be the leader you dream of being…
A world where you can influence others positively with your brand...
A world where you can impact people’s hearts and minds...
You can change their lives. I can show you how.
What if I told you that you could have all of that - all while making more money than you’d ever dreamed possible?
It’s time to stop dreaming, start doing, and start transforming lives! Including yours...


Here's your last chance to finally get paid more than you've allowed yourself to ask for.


The All-In Guarantee

If you haven’t noticed, I'm an All-In type of person so I'm going to offer you my All-In Guarantee.
Now, everything you’re getting here is yours for 7 days so you can absolutely sign up for it and never even open our email and log in to check any of it out. You can quit before you even begin.
In fact, you can just keep on keeping on the way you have been in your life...
But I know that if you don’t commit yourself to really diving in, feet first, and trying it out…
If you don’t make a promise to yourself…
Well, then you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering if maybe you were meant for something larger in your life but you just never answered the call.
That might be one of the saddest stories ever told.
Well...I don't want that for you. I know you don’t want that for yourself, for your family, and for the many, many lives that you could reach.
So, the All-In Guarantee is a promise that you make to yourself and no one has the power to take that away from you.

Trusted by worldclass entrepreneurs and brands

Thank you so much. You're a great teacher

I am now able to believe that I deserve the best and can confidently charge more

Joe's Teachings have proven to me that they work

Joe's teachings are not something I've seen before they are extraordinary and they make sense and they have proven that they work especially for my business , he's a need for every business

Nokuthula Peace

I resonated with everything

I believe and trust in Joes coaching style . The passion he carries in what he does is fully aligned to help me, he has a different perspective of looking at things and bringing solutions that highly resonates with me

Janerose - Jagari Ltd

The results we have seen as a result of Joe's insights have taken our business to another level

Fitz & Kim - Illuminate design


Hi, I'm Joe Mutuku

I’m a brand strategist and coach specializing in high-value offers and brand leverage with a decade of experience teaching and coaching entrepreneurs. I'm the founder of several popular business brands such as Growworth Consulting USA & School of Leverage.

It wasn't always like this! Being an introvert, I struggled for many years to establish my business. I lived on very humble means and sometimes couldn't even afford 2 meals a day. That all changed one day when I found a way to get paid more in a day than I was used to making in an entire year doing what I love.
This path was far from easy... I openly share my trials and tribulations of overcoming severe depression, feeling rejected, undervalued and unappreciated, and addiction… All of which made it nearly impossible to have the confidence it took to build my brand. Now I’m on a mission to help people build their value and leverage it to get paid more than they ever thought possible doing what they love.

Frequently asked questions

Is All Of This Value Really for free?! What's the catch?
Yes, it's true! We're not presenting smoke screens over here. When you say "maybe" today, you can secure up to $5,988 of my Leverage Secrets... that once implemented can and will transform your brand, and impact your audience (and your business) on a whole other level
Who Is This For?
This is for the founders and those who desire to build leverage for themselves and their brands. Business Owners who want to add revenue to their business through selling high-value offers at a higher price. The influencer that wants to reach an audience with their message. My School of Leverage™ hits you month after month with real, working techniques used by some of the greatest brands to impact their audience. Let me show you the triumphs, the mistakes, and the best leverage tips so you can learn and grow without taking on needless frustration.
What If I'm Not Satisfied With My Subscription?
This is highly unlikely. Wait until you dive into the free gifts, and you'll see what I mean. With that said, if you don't find my expert advice even the least bit useful... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends. ;) So, if you are part of the small percentage of people that don't find this useful, then you can cancel and we won't hold it against you.
How Much Does It Cost?
Today, you can secure up to $5,998 in crazy leverage training from me (Joe)... for $97.
Then, if you love us and agree we're the best to help take your brand to another level... then we'll keep giving you access every month and we'll bill you based on the membership plan you choose on the next page.
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